Our Services are Customized to Meet Your Needs.

Property Checks

We’ll customize a program of scheduled property visits and create a checklist tailored to your specific requirements to make sure your home is safe, secure, and operating efficiently. With value-added recommendations, we take a proactive approach to residential checks and inspections, to make sure any issues at your residence are detected and resolved early.


Our in-house professional emergency division is always on call and available 24/7, to help keep your family safe and your home protected. Whether you’re in residence or away from home, we provide a rapid response to any issue that may arise, requiring immediate attention.

Overseeing Contractors

Our team manages and oversees all contractors at your home, from plumbers to electricians, landscapers to pool maintenance. We act as your eyes and ears on site, making sure that all contracting projects on your property are handled professionally, on time, and on budget.

Project Management

From renovations and additions to all of your home’s projects, we oversee every detail of the process—including permitting and progress reports and verification of licenses and insurance—to ensure that your every project is professionally managed from the start and that your goals are met.

Handling Tenants

If you lease your home we would be the point of contact for tenants by addressing their needs, showing them the proper functioning of the home, survey the property on a weekly basis, confirm the property is ready for check in and there is no damage after check out. In addition to serving the tenant, we also offer to our clients availability to submit for rental permits, and beach passes.